Another similarity: US stooge Saddam forcibly conscripted the Iraqi populations hostile to his rule, and then sent them to be massacred by the American military as they advanced. Shia populations dragged off like Ukrainians today, ending up buried by American bulldozers who knew they were there in the desert trenches. They dug their own graves, and then the US Nazis buried them alive.

While Putin has made every effort to prevent Ukrainian loss of life, it is notable how little regard the West has, and knows full well that assaults with troops with only 2 weeks "training" against a superior force are just shell-fodder, yet keeps ordering their proxy to do so.

While "It's for the headlines" can be a partial answer, it's hard to escape the thought that for some in the West, regional depopulation may be a feature, not a bug.

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Maybe poking the Bear wasn't such a good idea. At least for the population. For Zelensky it probably was. I'm sure he's gotten much richer.

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